Job Interviews

How to Answer “What's Your Biggest Weakness?” in Dubai

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Job interview styles in Dubai can vary greatly from the highly structured behavioural-based interviews used by many multinational organisations, to the informal approach sometimes found in family-owned groups.

However, one question that comes up time and again in every style of interview is 'what's your biggest weakness?'.

What's Your Biggest Weakness is a go-to question for hiring managers in Dubai

'What's your biggest weakness?' is also one of the most dreaded interview questions amongst Dubai job seekers.

What is the interviewer looking for you to say? What weaknesses are considered acceptable in the Dubai job market, and which are frowned upon?

If you’re feeling unsure about how to answer the 'what is your biggest weakness?' interview question, then read on. I’m going to unpack this common Dubai interview question and explain the best way of answering it so that you impress the interviewer and leave a strong impression.

Plus, I'll provide you with incredibly helpful scripts for answering this interview question.

This is not a trick question

The most common response I see to the 'what is your biggest weakness?' question is for the interviewee to respond with a ‘trick’ answer.

They try to be too cleaver by providing a weakness that they know is really something the interviewer would consider a strength.

A great example of a trick answer is; “I’m too much of a perfectionist”, “I work too hard, I need to learn to switch off”.

This tactic of sharing something that isn’t really a weakness can work in the sense that you avoid sharing something that could disqualify you, however, this is very unlikely to impress a more seasoned Dubai recruiter or interviewer.

Hiring managers and recruiters in Dubai have heard this kind of answer too many times, they know that the interviewee is simply regurgitating something that they have read on the internet and have simply not taken the time to provide a genuine answer.

In fact, I once coached an interviewee who was pressed by the interviewer to share more and more weaknesses until the interviewer felt that he was speaking genuinely and truthfully. Hopefully this won't happen to you, but it's best not to get caught unprepared!

Why do interviewers in Dubai ask “What is your biggest weakness?”

Some Dubai recruiters and interviewers simply ask this question out of habit, but there are interviewers in Dubai that understand the potential opportunity that this question possesses.

These are some good reasons why a Dubai interviewer might ask 'what is your biggest weakness?'

1. It reveals your level of self-awareness

Dubai is incredibly multicultural, and whilst this diversity offers so many strengths it also requires people to have a high level of self-awareness in order to be successful.

A lack of self-awareness can cause blind spots and ultimately misunderstandings.

So many people love to talk about their strengths but very few are able to speak articulately about their weaknesses. Speaking openly and maturely about our weaknesses requires a greater level of emotional intelligence and self-awareness.

Candidates that have the ability to do this are usually higher calibre candidates. Demonstrating humility and a real understanding of your weaknesses, or potential blind spots, demonstrates that you are well-rounded and can offer the interviewer valuable insight about your personality.

2. It demonstrates a commitment to continuous improvement

Most candidates in Dubai will work very hard to tell the interviewer at length about all their greatest achievements, and whilst it's important to provide a good first impression, no-one actually wants to hire the person who thinks they’re perfect.

It's arrogant to believe that we have no weaknesses, and arrogance is a big red flag to employers in Dubai.

A man sits at a desk making notes in a notebook.

3. They actually wants to know what your weaknesses are

Don't be fooled into thinking that your Dubai interview will be filled with trick questions and covert intentions.

Many interviewers are actually genuinely curious and interested in the person in front of them, especially if they are hiring for their own team.

Perhaps they are trying to figure out how you would fit in the team and whether there are people or resources to support you in the areas you are weakest.

Perhaps they know some of the challenges facing the role and don’t want to set someone up to fail. They want to understand who you are to ensure you can thrive in the role. Whatever their reasons, avoiding this interview question can leave the interviewer frustrated that you haven’t answered the question.

How should you answer this question in your Dubai interview?

Here are three steps to making a great impression on your Dubai interviewer.

1. Be real, connect with your interviewer, however, don't forget to keep it professional.

2. Show how you can/could mitigate this weakness and demonstrate you understand the requirements of the role.

3. Use this as an opportunity to address concerns the interviewer might already have.

Example Dubai interview scripts

The below examples will help you to formulate your own answers for the 'what's your biggest weakness?' question.

Example one - 'what's your biggest weakness?'

“I expect when you look at my background, the biggest weakness I have compared to other candidates is that I don’t have direct experience of marketing cosmetics products.

However, I know this is something that could hold me back so I have been spending time looking into recent marketing trends in this area and understanding what your key competitors are doing.

This research has led me to think that my unconventional background could actually help me draw on more diverse ideas and bring something new to the table. We all know that in marketing, different is often better, and I’m confident that I can leverage my successful experience in marketing health food products to deliver campaigns that are fresh and disruptive.”

Example two - 'what's your biggest weakness?'

“I’ve realised that I often fail to act quickly and decisively. I like to have all the details before feeling confident to move forward.

My understanding is that this role is very fast-paced and that in order to win business, speed is important. I hope that this position will challenge me to trust my instincts more.

The funny thing is my first instinct is usually correct but I know I need to be pushed out of my comfort zone, I think this role will really force me to do that!”

Example three - 'what's your biggest weakness?'

“I didn’t progress in this industry through the typical route and as a result, I have less technical experience than some of the people I manage, not to mention the fact I am also younger than many of them.

This has always been a challenge for me and I’m sure it would be something I would need to overcome in this role.

In previous positions, I have found that leading with humility and demonstrating that I am here to support my team’s success have been really helpful in getting them on side.

I am constantly working to keep on top of the technological and technical side of the business, but I think people also appreciate it when you trust them to know more than you in some areas. After all, my role is to lead the team, not be a technical expert, and I think acknowledging this and being honest is the best approach.

Do you think this approach would work well for the team at your company?”


You can almost guarantee that as you begin to interview for roles in Dubai you'll be asked "what's your biggest weakness?" or "tell us about your biggest weakness".

The above examples show a genuine self-awareness and understanding of the role, and that you are inspired to think through your own weaknesses and answer this interview question confidently.

Learning how to answer 'what is your biggest weakness?' is essential if you want to perform well in a Dubai interview. 'What is your biggest weakness' is one of the most commonly used interview questions, it's also the interview questions that's most likely to slip people up.

Remember, a Dubai recruiter or hiring manager is not looking for a ‘perfect’ candidate. They are looking for someone who will perform their role well, get on with the team, work hard and hopefully thrive in the position.

Having weaknesses doesn’t disqualify you. But, being able to connect with your interviewer, be likeable and show you ‘get’ the role, will go a long way to winning an offer.

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Hannah Mason
Writer & Founder
Sep 12, 2024 12:23 PM
06 Minute
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